What are monies?
Monies are your currency on slice. ₹1 spent on slice card equals to 1 monies
Monies are instantly convertible into cashback at a conversion rate of up to 2%
Offer details:
Users will get reward points (in the form of free monies) on slice platform
Users will win 10 free monies for every 1 run scored
Users can submit only one score for this offer (free monies) each day
Free monies won will be credited into your slice account within 7 working days
User should be approved on slice and hold a valid slice card to avail this offer. Not a slice user? Apply
Waitlisted users (i.e. not approved on slice) or users that have not applied for slice are not eligible for the offer
Users who are issued a slice card after 31st May, 2022 will not be eligible for this offer
This offer is at the sole discretion of slice and can be altered/ deleted without intimation
In case of further support, reach out to slice on
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